Beda As dan like sering membingungkan karena keduanya dapat digunakan untuk perbandingan. Namun, ada perbedaan penting, maka perhatikan penjelasan dibawah ini
1. Membuat perbandingan
as + adjective + as dan as much as
Gunakan struktur as + adjective + as or as much as untuk mengatakan apakah sesuatu memiliki atau tidak memiliki jumlah kualitas yang sama dengan sesuatu yang lain.
- She loves curry as much as I do.
- He’s not as tall as his brother.
- It’s not as expensive as the other hotel.
- That dog is as big as that child!
Anda juga dapat menggunakan as pada the same as.
- Your phone is the same as mine.
- Texting is not the same as speaking in person.
like + noun
like diikuti oleh kata benda atau kata ganti untuk mengatakan bahwa dua hal serupa.
- He’s like a father to me.
- She’s acting like a child.
- It’s like a burger but with big mushrooms instead of bread.
- There are lots of people like us.
Dan biasanya untuk membuat perbandingan menggunakan like dengan verb senses (look, taste, dll)
- She looks like her mother.
- It sounds like a cat.
- Nothing tastes like homemade lemonade.
- It smells like medicine.
- It feels like cotton.
as if/as though + clause
As if dan as though dapat digunakan untuk membandingkan situasi nyata dengan situasi imajiner. Mereka diikuti oleh klausa (subjek dan kata kerja).
- You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.
- I felt as if I was floating above the ground.
- You talk as though we’re never going to see each other again.
1. Memberikan contoh
Anda dapat menggunakan like atau such as untuk memberi contoh.
- You could try a team sport like football, basketball or hockey.
- You should take something soft, such as a towel, to lie on.
2. Berbicara tentang pekerjaan atau fungsi
Anda dapat menggunakan as + noun untuk membicarakan tentang pekerjaan atau fungsi sesuatu.
- I worked as a shop assistant for two years.
- He used his coat as a blanket to keep warm.
3. As untuk menghubungkan dua frasa
as dapat digunakan sebagai konjungsi untuk menghubungkan dua frasa dan memiliki arti yang berbeda.
as = ‘because’
- All the tickets were sold out as we got there too late.
- As the road was closed, I had to park on the next street.
as = ‘while’ atau ‘during the time that’
- She called as I was getting out of the bath.
- As they were arriving, we were leaving.
as = ‘in the way that’
- As we expected, it started to rain.
- As you know, classes restart on 15 January.
- As I said, I think this project will be a challenge.
** Note: bahwa dalam pembicaraan informal, orang kadang mengatakan like seperti ‘in the way that’.
- Like I said, I didn’t know her.
Semoga bermanfaat,
Semakin rumit tetapi semakin menarik, terimakasih
iya benar. Saya juga merasa seperti itu.
I don’t know why … ?
Thank you Sir..sangat bermanfaat ternyata banyak yg bisa digunakan untuk “as dan like”..
Iya. Banyak yg bisa digunakan
Thanks a lot for sharing. Hope I can learn much and better from you in the future!
I hope that too
yes I’d like
I do, too..
Perhaps, what you want to say is. Yes, I like
I’d like means I would like.