
Engli.ID – Word of the day: Empirical

Arti Kata Empirical

Empirical dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Empiris. Ini merujuk pada pendekatan pengetahuan yang didasarkan pada pengamatan langsung, pengalaman, dan bukti konkret.

Pendekatan ini mengharuskan kita untuk memperoleh pengetahuan melalui pengujian praktis dan pengamatan dunia nyata.

Dalam metode empiris, teori dan hipotesis diuji melalui pengumpulan data yang dapat diamati dan diukur.

Misalnya, dalam ilmu pengetahuan, eksperimen dan pengamatan lapangan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan bukti empiris yang mendukung atau membantah suatu teori.

Synonyms: Observational, experiential, practical

Antonyms: Theoretical, speculative, hypothetical

Lihat arti kata empirical di kamus merriam webmaster

Contoh Penggunaan Kata Empirical dalam kalimat

  • The scientist conducted empirical research to validate the hypothesis.
  • Her conclusions were based on empirical evidence gathered from extensive fieldwork.
  • The empirical data showed a clear correlation between exercise and improved health.
  • The team used empirical observations to refine their product design.
  • In psychology, empirical studies help us understand human behavior through observation.
  • The historian analyzed empirical records to reconstruct the events of the past.
  • The empirical approach allows us to make informed decisions based on real-world data.
  • Teachers often use empirical methods to assess the effectiveness of teaching strategies.
  • The doctor’s diagnosis was supported by empirical evidence from medical tests.
  • The success of the project was attributed to an empirical problem-solving approach.

Quiz untuk kata Empirical

Quiz: What does “empirical” mean?

  • a) Based on theory and speculation
  • b) Derived from observation and experience
  • c) Complex and intricate
  • d) Unreliable and inaccurate

Lihat arsip Word of the day

Trivia: The term “empirical” originates from the Greek word “empeiria,” meaning “experience.” It emphasizes the importance of practical knowledge gained through direct experience.

Quote: “The only source of Empirical knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein

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